Stephanie Bessoles

Stephanie Bessoles

Associate Professor

Université Paris Cité, 

4 avenue de l’observatoire,
75006, Paris

Short Biography

I am a lecturer in Immunology at University Paris Cité, where I devote half of my time to teaching immunology and the other half to developing research activities in the field of the anti-tumor immune response. I graduated from Université of Montpellier with a specialization in Biology. Following a Master in Biology and Health at the University of Montpellier, I earned my PhD in Immunology in 2008. My main current research projects focus on exploring the impact of clinically used cytokines on the immune system within a tumor context. In addition, I am involved in the research of new anti-cancer immunotherapies.

Research Interests
  • Immunology
  • anti-cancer
  • immunotherapy
  • non conventional and conventionnalT cells
  • NK cells


  • From Immunology to anti-cancer immunotherapy (PASS, Paris Cité)
  • Immunology (Pharmacy, Licence 3 Biomédicales pour la Santé, Master 2 BME-MCB Track, Master Nanomed, Paris Cité)
  • Immunopathology (DFGSP3, Pharmacy, Paris Cité)
  • Vaccination (DFASP1, Pharmacy, Paris Cité)
  • Immunology and immunological tools (Licence 3 biotechnologies, ETSL, Paris Cité. Chimie Paristech)

Professional Responsibilities and Experiences

  • Co-chair of MCB track
  • Co-chair of PIR Immunology
  • Member of animal experimentation ethics committee, Paris Cité