Application matters

What is the language of teaching?

ALL courses are entirely taught in English.

Am I eligible to apply for this master's program?

Check the « prerequisites and eligibility » section on the application page.

If I am a non-European student, what application procedure should I follow?

If you are a Non-European candidate and come from a country affected by the « Etudes en France » procedure, you must apply on both Etudes en France France and the BME Paris website in parallel.
Check the « Immigration matters » section on the application page.

How do I apply on Campus France/Etudes en France?

Check the « Immigration matters » section on the application page.
Warning: if you have to apply on Etudes en France, do not forget to apply on the BME Paris master’s program website concurrently. Etudes en France is for the obtention of your visa and is run by the government whereas the BME Paris website is for the acceptation into our program specifically. They are two distincts things.

Can I apply directly for the M2 if I obtained or am in the process of obtaining a Bachelor’s degree?

No, you can’t and even if your Bachelor’s degree is a 4 or 5 year program as it is the case in some countries. You MUST apply for the M1.

See the « pre-requisites and eligibility » section on the application page for more details.

Can I apply even if I haven’t validated my Bachelor’s degree or M1 yet?

Yes, you can. The earlier you apply, the better it is.

You can apply ahead of time and explain in your application that you will be sending the last transcripts when you get them. If your application is competitive enough, you can be interviewed and receive a positive reply. In the letter you will receive, it will be mentioned that you are authorized to enroll into our program provided that you validate your current degree at the end of the schoolyear. Of course, you will then need to send us the proof of validation as soon as possible.

Are there any GPA/grade requirements?

There are no minimum GPA/grade requirements. Your application must be competitive enough for you to be pre-selected for an interview (in person or via Skype). The keys to be authorized to enroll in our program are excellence, motivation and compatibility of your professional plans.

Do I need to speak a little bit of French to apply for this master's program?

No, you don’t. ALL courses are taught in English. You do not have to attach a French language certificate to your application. Foreign students will be offered optional weekly French classes.

Your level of English should be good enough so you can actually understand what is said during classes. Level C1 or equivalent is required.

Check the « steps for a complete application » section on the application page.

Is there a minimum score which I have to obtain for my English language certificate?

Your level of English will be verified during the interview if your application is pre-selected. The level we expect is a C1 level (or equivalent). You can check the English language test equivalency table: https://www.ef.fr/tests-anglais/comparaison-tests/convertisseur-score/

What language should my documents be in?

The CV and letter of personal statement MUST be in English.

We accept the following documents in English or French only:

  • Transcripts
  • Diplomas
  • English language certificate
  • Letters of recommendation sent directly by your referees
If those documents are in a different language, you must provide a certified translation in either English or French in order for your application to be examined.

What language should I write my CV and letter of personal statement in?

Your CV and personal statement MUST be written in English.

Can letters of recommendation be written in French?

Yes, they can. We accept letters of recommendation in French or English (only).

If I applied for the BME PARIS master's program a previous year, can I use the same application number?

No, you need to apply again as if it was the first time. For instance, if you were accepted into our program and were not able to come, you need to apply again for the following year if you wish to e a part of our program. Your authorization of enrollment is only valid for one year.

Can I apply for this program as a physiotherapist (kinésithérapeute)?

You can apply directly for the M2 only if you are a “cadre de santé” (if you have done the extra fourth year which awards you this title). Otherwise, you have to apply for the M1.

Check the prerequisites on the application page.

If you are a physiotherapist and have a doubt about whether you should aplly for the M1 or the M2, email contact@bme-paris.com and attach your CV.

Can I apply for the BME PARIS master's program through the « formation continue » or does it only apply to the « formation initiale »?

The BME Paris master’s program is open for both “formation initiale” or “formation continue” students.

However, students do not have a choice whether they apply for the “formation initiale” or the “formation continue” regime.

You must refer to the « Formation Initiale regime vs Formation Continue regime » section on the application page to determine to which regime you belong.

NB. Also check the « tuition fees » section on the application page to find out about the fee difference. Make sure you can actually afford it or have it financed before you apply if you belong to the « formation continue » regime.

Do I get to choose if I register as a "Formation Initiale" or a "Formation Continue" student?

No, you don’t. Your background is the decisive element.

If you have a doubt, you need to email us before you apply: contact@bme-paris.com

Can I ask the administrative coordinator to check if the application I sent is complete?

No, you can’t. We receive so many applications that we cannot check them individually before the current batch ends. It is YOUR responsibility to send a complete application. If it is not complete before the end of the current batch (example: 1 letter of recommendation missing), it will not be examined and will be moved to the next batch and so on.

The only documents that may be missing in your application are:

  • your transcript from the last semester of your current studies (which you will need to send as soon as you get it)
  • your last diploma (which you can send later as long as your transcripts establish that you validated the corresponding degree)
  • your English language certificate (you must attach a document that explains why. For example, you will be taking the test at a given later date and will send the results as soon as you get them, or you are exempted from providing the certificate because you have been attending an English-taught program, etc.).

In any case, you MUST NOT send an email to the administrative coordinator to ask if your application is complete or not.

Am I going to receive a confirmation email after submitting my application and uploading my documents?

Yes, you will get a confirmation email stating that your application was submitted successfully (not that it is complete though). 

What English language tests are accepted?

We accept almost every certification in English language as long as you obtained the equivalent of a C1 level (check the table of equivalence: https://www.ef.fr/tests-anglais/comparaison-tests/convertisseur-score/).

The most common tests are: TOEIC, TOEFL, Cambridge, IELTS.

Who should the motivation and recommendation letters be addressed to?

« To Whom It May Concern: » is suitable.

Financial matters

Are there any scholarships I can apply for as an international student?

International students can apply for different scholarships which can vary from year to year (e.g. Eiffel, MIEM, …).

Warning: the deadlines to apply for a scholarship for our program are earlier than the Campus France or the université paris cité deadlines. The dates which appear on our website should be considered binding and prevail over the dates announced on other websites.

Conclusion: you must follow our procedure if you want to be considered for any scholarship.

Example : our deadline to send back your complete application for the Eiffel scholarship is November 30th of each year (while it is in January on the Campus France website but you must not take their deadline into account).

We strongly recommend that you look for other scholarships on your side (ask the French embassy in your country) because French scholarships are extremely competitive and they usually give priority to new comers, ie students who have never been to France before.

Read the « scholarship » section on the application page.

How much money do I need to live in Paris?

For European students, tuition is around 350€ per year for a M1 (including CVEC) and around 500€ for a M2 (including CVEC and the fees for the mandatory interdisciplinary seminar) to be paid in September.
For students from other nations, check the « tuition fees » section on the application page.

No additional tuition is asked for internship or thesis. Expenses for books and educational material are around 350 € per year. Living in Paris is expensive.
The cost of a room for students is usually between 500 and 700 € per month.

Check the « expenses » section on the application page.

If I am a non-European student, what is the amount of the tuition fees I should pay?

We do not have the final information yet. As soon as we receive the information, it will be online on the application page, in the « expenses » section.

Are there any application fees?

Applying for our program is completely free.

Practical matters

Is the kick-off meeting mandatory?

Yes, it is. All students (M1 and M2) must attend. It usually takes place on the first Tuesday of the first week of September (cf date on the application page). Students must be registered at their respected school/university before the kick-off meeting takes place. It is mandatory and it will be verified.

Is the interdisciplinary seminar mandatory?

It is mandatory for all M2 students (no M1s allowed though). When applying for our program, you have to make sure that you are available to go offsite all week for the interdisciplinary seminar. It takes place during the second week of September each year (cf dates on the application page).

Is it a full time program or can I work on the side?

It is a full time program. You will not be able to work on the side unless it is a student job which doesn’t take more than a few hours a week.

NB. No schedule or syllabus will be provided before the kick-off meeting.

The Biomechanics/Health Science subtrack (for clinicians only) has a different organization though. Courses take place every Thursday as of November and you have the possibility to do your M2 in 2 years. Please check with the Biomechanics chairs directly if you have any questions.

Is it possible to start the year in January?

No, the school year starts in September only and lasts until June at least (it can last until the end of September if the student has to take resit exams or if his/her oral defence takes place in September. It happens when the student prolongs his/her internship over the summer for example).

Is it possible to do the M2 in 2 years?

No, it isn’t, unless you are a student of the BioMechanics/Health Science subtrack. In that case only, you have a choice.

You will have to get the proper authorizations from your employer at the hospital though.

If you have any questions about that matter, email the BioMechanics Chairs directly (cf Faculty and Staff page).

Where do I find the program schedule?

We do not provide a schedule before the kick-off meeting. You must know that it is a full-time program and we do not recommend for you to have a job on the side especially because personal work will take as much time as classes.

The first semester starts the first week of September (knowing that you have to be registered before the semester starts), then there is a two week break for Christmas and New Year’s and then the second semester starts and ends mid-July or mid-September depending on the track you attend (cf dates on the application page).

Where do I find the syllabus?

We do not provide a syllabus. You can find the details for each course by clicking directly on the in the list of courses on the different program pages.

Where are courses going to take place?

It depends on the year and the track you choose:

    – M1, M2 MCB and M2 BIM: most classes will take place on Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 45 rue des Saints Pères 75006 Paris

    – M2 BioMAT or BioMECH: most classes will take place at Arts & Métiers Institute of Technology, 151 boulevard de l’Hôpital 75013 Paris

   – M2 BIN: most classes will take place at  ESPCI Paris, 10 rue Vauquelin 75005 Paris, at Arts & Métiers Institute of Technology and on Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Does the University provide housing?

Check the « housing » section on the application page.

Can I pursue the program in a distance-learning context?

No, you can’t. The BME Paris master’s program is only open for traditional courses. Students MUST attend ALL courses.

Can I start the year later in case I don’t obtain my visa on time?

Absolutely not. You must be present from the very beginning of the year. The kick-off meeting is mandatory and takes place on the first Tuesday of September (cf date on the application page).

When and how can I get my diploma once I graduate?


Warning: the earlier you will get it is the following November. If you need a document before that, you can ask for an « attestation de réussite/validation ».


If you need your diploma before it is available, you can ask the registrar’s office of the school you were registered at for an attestation de « réussite/validation »:

What type of degree is the BME Master's degree?

It is a Master’s Degree. It is neither a Master of Science Degree, nor an Engineer’s Degree.

What type of degree is the BME Master's degree?

It is a Master’s Degree. It is neither a Master of Science Degree, nor an Engineer’s Degree.